History Cruises
J&M Cruise Lines
6:30 – 8:30 PM, First Wednesday, June - September
Beginning in June, I'll host a monthly history tour onboard the Sandpiper starting at 6:30 pm on the first Wednesday of each month. Don't miss these wonderful trips along the Maumee River. Sign up for all four—each cruise is a different experience. In June, we'll focus on Ship Wrecks on the Maumee; in July, we'll cover Gangsters and Rum Runners; in August, we'll explore the Port of Toledo; and in September, we'll dive into the early history of Northwest Ohio as we view the beautiful riverfront homes along the banks of the Maumee in Toledo, Rossford, and Perrysburg. Each tour ends with a trivia contest with prizes. Come on out and enjoy these fantastic cruises on the Maumee as we enjoy our rich local history along the way.